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Resources / 6.30.2023

What Causes a Truck to Jackknife?

The Dangers of a Truck Jackknifing on the Road

Jackknifing is a dangerous event that can occur when a large truck is traveling too fast or has to brake suddenly. When a commercial truck jackknifes, it can put everyone on the road in a potentially deadly situation. If you are involved in a jackknife accident, you need to consult with an attorney.

At Truck.Law™, we represent individuals who have been seriously injured in trucking accidents nationwide. Our lawyers have handled numerous cases involving jackknifed trucks and tractor-trailers. If you were involved in a jackknife accident, contact our office to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

What Is Jackknifing?

Jackknifing occurs when something causes an 18-wheeler or other large truck’s trailer to swing out to one side. It can be caused by a number of factors but is usually the result of speeding or braking too quickly. The size and weight of the trailer can cause it to become misaligned with the cab of the truck. In some instances, it can result in the truck being overturned.

Jackknife accidents can be catastrophic. When a truck driver loses control of their trailer, it can wreak havoc across multiple lanes of traffic. Jackknifing often results in multi-vehicle collisions and severe injuries to nearby passenger vehicles.

What Causes Jackknifing?

It is not always one specific thing that causes a truck to jackknife. It can be several factors that combine to cause a truck driver to lose control of their trailer. 

Jackknifing is commonly caused by:

  • Forceful, sudden braking
  • Traveling too fast for road conditions
  • Inclement weather
  • An overloaded or improperly loaded trailer
  • Malfunctioning equipment, such as faulty brakes
  • Poor maintenance
  • Driving while distracted or impaired

If you are involved in a jackknife accident, you need to speak with a truck lawyer. A lawyer can help determine who or what caused the accident and who should be held liable for your injuries.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Jackknife Accident?

There may be multiple parties that can be held legally responsible for your injuries. The best way to determine liability is by consulting with an experienced attorney. An attorney can subpoena maintenance and safety logs to determine whether a regulatory violation may have had something to do with the accident. 

They can also conduct an independent investigation looking at things like how the cargo was loaded and whether the driver was speeding at the time of the collision. Unfortunately, without the help of an attorney, it may be difficult to prove that someone else’s recklessness caused your injuries.

Injured in a Jackknife Accident? Contact Our Office.

Were you or a loved one injured in a jackknife accident? Contact our office to schedule a free consultation. At Truck.Law™ we provide legal representation for truck accident victims across the country. Our lawyers are ready and willing to take on the toughest cases and will not give up until we feel justice has been served. Get the legal help you need and deserve today. Our truck accident lawyers are here to help you and your family get the largest recovery possible.

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At Truck.Law™, we are dedicated to helping victims of trucking negligence and their attorneys obtain the full compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us fight for your rights on the road. We also welcome other attorneys to get in touch with us to learn how we can help resource you in your truck accident cases. We take cases nationwide.

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